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Neuroanatomy Atlas of the C57Bl/6j Mouse

A detailed description of this atlas can be found in:

A.E. Dorr, J.P. Lerch, S. Spring, N. Kabani and R.M. Henkelman "High resolution three dimensional brain atlas using an average magnetic resonance image of 40 adult C57Bl/6j mice", NeuroImage 42(1):60-69, 2008.

Information and instructions about the Neuroanatomy Atlas

These images are in minc file format and can be loaded in MNI Display software available freely from the McConnell Brain Imaging Centre at the Montreal Neurological Institute. The following webpage provides a tutorial on how to install the software:

Website: https://wiki.mouseimaging.ca/display/MICePub/Building+a+registration+quarantine

For more instructions on how to use this software see http://www.mouseimaging.ca/research/cerebral_vasc_atlas.html



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